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Review some FOF award winning videos below.
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- Produced for the IRS as an employee orientation to explain the origins of the IRS and its current operations, mission, and duties.
Welcome to the IRS - When Alaska Works Partnership was founded, it was a unique program focused on training individuals in rural communities for productive careers in construction. This video introduced AWP to the state, the unions, the Alaskan Native organizations, and potential recruits.
Alaska Works - To bring women into the construction trades, Alaska Works started Women in the Trades, one of the first such programs in the U.S.
Women in The Trades - U.S. Department of Energy facilities exposed employees to hazardous radiation, metals, and chemicals as they worked to keep America safe. Medical screening programs were established for those workers, to help monitor their health, provide treatment, and assure compensation. This video made workers aware of the screening programs.
DOE Medical Screening - Many workers oppose the adoption of new technology because they believe it takes away jobs. This video shows how technology can create jobs and make work safer.
The Technology Challenge - Aimed at job fairs and secondary education classrooms, this video recruits new workers into the roofing trades.
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